JOIN US on SUNDAYS & wednesdays!

SUNDAYS: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM


 You can also tune in to our Livestream on our Facebook page!




You will see our colorful New Destiny Christian Center sign as you approach our Springfield Campus. If you are driving, a member of the NDCC parking team will greet you and help you find a spot in our parking lot. If you are walking, one of our greeters will be waiting outside our main entrance to welcome you! They will also be able to answer any questions you have and direct you where you need to go.



This is a great time to get used to the feel of NDCC and chat with people if you’d like. You will also have time to check your children into Kids Harbor.

When it’s time for the service to start, you’ll head into the sanctuary. An NDCC Usher will be available to help you find a seat.


Each service opens with inspiring, heartfelt time of worship led by our band. Words to the songs will be on one of the four large screen. Join in as you feel comfortable. Our hope is that you sense the presence of God.


After worship, we will greet one another, share an announcement or two, and receive our tithes and offerings. If you are a guest, the service is our gift to you, so please don’t feel any pressure to participate! You’ll then hear a teaching from the Bible that’s practical, spiritual and relevant to everyday life.


As you leave, stop by the Welcome Center to chat with a volunteer or Pastor, and learn more about how to get connected with NDCC!


Check out our new single, “Sons and Daughters” by NDCC Worship. Available on all music streaming platforms!




MVP Men’s Ministry

We believe that God has a purpose for every man and wants to breathe within him a vision for life. M.V.P. (Men of Vision & Purpose) is a community of men at NDCC who are passionate about the Word of God, a lifestyle of prayer, and seeking intensely after The Lord. By pursuing Jesus, men of God can lead their families, their church, and their communities to revival and reformation.


EPIC (Effectively Producing In Christ) Women is a sisterhood of women from all backgrounds. EPIC is a culture where we love one another, believe in one another and cheer each other on. We are powerful, not petty. We pull others from the pit. We touch our potential and unleash our purpose. We are passionate and active about our causes in our community and around the globe. We are a band of women empowered to touch and restore the daughters of God with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


At Revolution Youth we are empowering a generation of youth to live a pure and purposeful life for Jesus Christ. As the Youth (ages 14-19) of New Destiny Christian Center we are committed in or witness to Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, and are sold out to seeing a generation of young disciples rise up to change the world through revival. But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Daniel 11:32


A fun, interactive environment where your children will learn about the Bible and God’s love for them through hands-on teachings, crafts, songs and more!

  • Bible Guppies: Newborn to 2 years old

  • Ark: 3 years old to 5 years old

  • Big Fish: 1st grade to 5th grade

  • Dive: 6th grade to 8th grade


Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty.

Come out and join us for Corporate Prayer:

  • Sunday mornings at 8:00 AM

  • Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM

  • Daily from 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM

God is doing great things and prayer changes things!


Are you in need of counseling? There is no shame in asking for help. Life gives us situations and pains we don’t know how to fix on our own. Our ministerial staff includes licensed counselors who are available to help. Please contact our office to schedule a confidential appointment with one of our Pastors.